One more day of work!

By SP Scuba Diving Club
Yeah, 31st March will be my last day of Work!!
Hmm.. total i think i earn about 2k+.. Tiths is 200, and who am i going to give?
Wrpf or chc?
Should i give the less richer one or the more populated one?
Should i split half half or give wholly?
HMm.. i got a feeling from the people in chc that they are telling me "Join our church otherwise don't come." Thats my instinct.. may not be true..
Haiz, let God decide on this saturday and sunday. =)
O no, i have to prepare word as well.. its time for me to share.. and share to other cell groups!!! I have only shared word 2 times my whole life.. and they want me to share with people i dont really recongnize.
Should I go?? I got a feeling God tells me to just go and he will guide me..
But Eugene is there!! zzz.. that makes things even worst..
I'm inexperienced.. I can only hope God will help me prepare for the worst.

Yeah, after my work i will have more time to spend outside!!
I only got 1 week to enjoy or rather less than a week. Cause my club needs me to prepare anniversary things..
Program IC leh.. very tough, and i got saboed into this..
I wanna quit..zz.. no fun in this club =x

And i will also have more time for MDD, and Ataraxis..
As well as time to blog..

Hopefully i can still join the badminton with Hitachi..
I think should be able to, they also not enough people there..
I cant wait for that day to be over...

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